Neurocognitive Disorders Treatment

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Transformative Treatment for Neurocognitive Disorders

Together Towards Cognitive Recovery.

We understand that neurocognitive disorders can significantly impact individuals and their families. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing compassionate care to those affected by cognitive impairments. We focus on enhancing quality of life and supporting both patients and caregivers throughout the treatment process.
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Transformative Treatment for Neurocognitive Disorders

What is Neurocognitive Disorder?

Neurocognitive disorders involve a decline in cognitive function that affects memory, thinking, and social abilities. These disorders can be due to a variety of factors, including age-related changes, brain injuries, or diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia. Symptoms may include confusion, difficulty with communication, memory loss, and changes in behavior.

Signs and Symptoms of Neurocognitive Disorder

  • Memory Loss
  • Difficulty with Communication
  • Confusion or Disorientation
  • Poor Judgment and Decision-Making
  • Changes in Mood and Personality
  • Decline in Daily Functioning

Types of Personality Disorders We Treat

Common types of personality disorders include:

Get Started with IvyMed Behavioral Health

Contact us today to schedule your appointment and take the first step towards better cognitive health.